
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
"AFT in Action:" Securing Fair State Employee Contracts
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Ongoing efforts to negotiate successor collective bargaining agreements for state employees is the primary focus of this latest episode in our podcast series. AFT Connecticut President Jan Hochadel was joined by executive committee vice president and local union leader Kathy Fischer for a timely discussion now that most individual unit contracts have expired.
Returning as their guest was state Representative Mike D’Agostino, who addressed the current negotiations and provided relevant historical context from a lawmakers' perspective. He also discussed policy proposals passed in the General Assembly’s 2021 legislative session that impact state employees and the public services they deliver.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation's engagement and communications programs.
Members are encouraged to send e-mail with their questions or concerns to be addressed in a future episode. *
Additionally, members can leave a message with their comments to be played on a future episode by dialing (860) 257-9782 and entering extension 116. *
We're proud to be part of the Labor Radio/Podcast Network, which collectively gets our movement's message out to working people via the Internet.
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union's Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer.