
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
”AFT in Action:” Defending the Public Good from Profiteers
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Resisting repeated attempts by special interests to privatize the services public employees provided to residents and businesses was the topic of discussion in this latest podcast episode. AFT Connecticut President Jan Hochadel was joined by local union leader Bill Garrity, RN, as co-host for a conversation aimed at debunking the mythical claims of outscoring schemes.
Their guest was opinion leader and responsible contracting activist Donald Cohen. The founder of the national policy center In the Public Interest shared insights on the issues he and his co-author gathered for their latest book, "The Privatization of Everything."
Copies or access to an e-book version can be purchased online.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation's engagement and communications programs.
Members are encouraged to send e-mail with their questions or concerns to be addressed in a future. *
Additionally, members can leave a message with their comments to be played on either episode by dialing (860) 257-9782 and and entering extension 116. *
We're proud to be part of the Labor Radio/Podcast Network, which collectively gets our movement's message out to working people via the Internet.
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union's Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
”AFT in Action:” Getting Honest About Our True History
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
This first episode in a series on the topic of protecting educators' "freedom to teach" addressed current special interest-funded attempts to politicize U.S. history, civics and social studies. State federation president Jan Hochadel was joined by Connecticut Education Association (CEA) President Kate Dias and Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) Executive Director Fran Rabinowitz to lead the conversation.
Joining them was U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, who coordinated a local discussion on the issue at a round-table forum with educators, students and parents in Middletown. He answered members' questions on what has emerged as a national campaign by anti-public education forces to divide communities along racial lines.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation's engagement and communications programs.
Members are encouraged to send e-mail with their questions or concerns to be addressed in a future. *
Additionally, members can leave a message with their comments to be played on either episode by dialing (860) 257-9782 and and entering extension 116. *
We're proud to be part of the Labor Radio/Podcast Network, which collectively gets our movement's message out to working people via the Internet.
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union's Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
”AFT in Action:” Supporting Staff Who Support Students
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
The latest episode's topic of conversation centered on our state federation's commitment to lifting up paraeducators and school-related personnel - before, during and after the pandemic. Local union leader Shellye Davis joined AFT Connecticut President Jan Hochadel to co-host a timely discussion with the co-chair of the legislature's Education Committee.
State Representative Bobby Sanchez reviewed lawmakers' efforts earlier this year to resolve ongoing health and safety concerns and invest in recruiting the public school personnel who support student learning. He also answered members' questions about a new law that aims to address the challenge of recruiting and retaining paraeducators in historically under-resourced communities.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation's engagement and communications programs.
Members are encouraged to send e-mail with their questions or concerns to be addressed in a future. *
Additionally, members can leave a message with their comments to be played on either episode by dialing (860) 257-9782 and and entering extension 116. *
We're proud to be part of the Labor Radio/Podcast Network, which collectively gets our movement's message out to working people via the Internet.
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union's Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer.

Monday Aug 30, 2021
"AFT in Action:" Resisting a Health Chain's Cruel Cuts
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Community-based efforts to restore labor and delivery services at a small, rural hospital eliminated by the health network that owns it were the focus for this latest podcast episode. AFT Connecticut President Jan Hochadel was joined by local union leader Sherri Dayton, RN, as co-host for a conversation with a long-time civil rights advocate and retired labor activist.
Leah Ralls was for more than two decades a union member and currently serves as president of the NAACP's Windham/Willimantic chapter. She shared her experience teaming up with local caregivers, labor leaders and elected officials to mobilize the community to resist Hartford HealthCare (HHC)'s closure of their community hospital’s maternity ward.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation's engagement and communications programs.
Members are encouraged to send e-mail with their questions or concerns to be addressed in a future episode. *
Additionally, members can leave a message with their comments to be played on a future episode by dialing (860) 257-9782 and entering extension 116. *
We're proud to be part of the Labor Radio/Podcast Network, which collectively gets our movement's message out to working people via the Internet.
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union's Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer.