
Friday Jun 28, 2019
June 2019 "AFT in Action”
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
The latest episode features a review in two parts of the public policy gains made during the 2019 regular session of the state's General Assembly, which adjourned on June 5. AFT Connecticut President Jan Hochadel leads both discussions, and is joined by Teri Merisotis and Jim Vigue, who together coordinate the state federation's legislative and political programs.
Merisotis and Vigue share a report-back with highlights of the session during part one and join Hochadel as co-hosts for part two. Their guests for the second discussion are state and local leaders John Disette, Ed Leavy and Bill Garrity, RN, who each share an example of legislation impacting their unions' members.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation’s engagement and communications programs.
Members are invited to send e-mail with their feedback as well as any questions and suggested topics for future episodes. *
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union's Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
Music: "Mission Statement," Digital Juice.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer.

Friday May 31, 2019
May 2019 "AFT in Action”
Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
The latest episode in AFT Connecticut's podcast series features another in-depth discussion of public policy issues impacting union members in their workplace and their community. Jan Hochadel, state federation president, once again leads the conversation and is joined by Mary Yordon, an executive committee vice president and local union leader, as co-host.
Their guests are Dalio Philanthropies' Education Director Barbara Dalio and Chief Education Officer Andrew Ferguson. They discuss their record of collaboration with public school teachers, administrators and advocates across Connecticut and answer members' questions regarding the foundation's recently announced new state-level partnership.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation’s engagement and communications programs.
Members are invited to send e-mail with their feedback as well as any questions and suggested topics for future episodes. *
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union’s Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
Music: "Mission Statement," Digital Juice.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer; members can access our federation's 2019 legislative priorities, which will be discussed in the next episode.

Monday Apr 29, 2019
April 2019 "AFT in Action”
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
AFT Connecticut President Jan Hochadel and Legislative/Political Action Chair Ally Sexton co-host the latest episode in the state federation's podcast series. Their conversation continued last month's discussion on issues at the General Assembly important to union members and all working families.
Their guest is state Rep. Roland Lemar, the House chair of the legislature's transportation committee. He answers questions on the latest proposals for reviving tolls in order to invest in Connecticut's aging infrastructure. He also addresses the latest efforts by the finance, revenue and bonding committee, on which he also sits, to level the playing filed for middle and working class taxpayers.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation’s engagement and communications programs.
Members are invited to send e-mail with their feedback as well as any questions and suggested topics for future episodes. *
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union's Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer.

Saturday Mar 30, 2019
March 2019 "AFT in Action"
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
The first episode of the state federation’s new podcast series is hosted by AFT Connecticut President Jan Hochadel, along with Council 4 AFSCME Executive Director Jody Barr. The focus of their conversation is the impact of the state legislature on union members, their jobs and communities.
Their guest is state Rep. Joe Aresimowicz, the speaker of the General Assembly's House of Representatives and education coordinator for Council 4. He answers union members' questions on state budget and local school district regionalization proposals that lawmakers are currently deliberating.
AFT Connecticut's podcasts serve to provide a deeper dive into issues impacting members and the wider labor movement as part of the state federation’s engagement and communications programs.
Members are invited to send e-mail with their feedback as well as any questions and suggested topics for future episodes. *
Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions are also posted at the union’s Twitter feed, Facebook page and website.
* Be sure to include your full name, local union and employer.